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Blessed to Be a Blessing

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Ruth was faithful and obedient. Though her life was interrupted by death and she was dislocated from her family, she was not forgotten. She was a loyal and faithful woman to her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Ruth was obedient to every instruction from Naomi. For her obedience, she was constantly blessed along the way. She was blessed for her troubles. She was blessed as she sought instruction and direction. She was especially blessed for her faithfulness to love and provide for her mother-in-law and herself.

Scripture says, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. Those were words for God’s people when they were written. And it’s true for us today. Ruth was willing and obedient to Naomi. When we are willing and obey those who have responsibility for us or even authority over us, we will be blessed for doing what’s required. This is true for work, home, and play; it doesn’t matter and it’s not blindly following. It is worth reviewing your heart position on the matter.

If you’re having to question this subject, there are a few things to consider. Is the person you’re following worthy of your commitment. If not, then why are you remaining in the situation. Only you know.

Watch the life of the person who constantly bucks the system or fights against authority more often than not. Ultimately, do you see extreme blessing overflowing them.

Her Blessings

Ruth lived a life that was full of blessings. She was favored from the moment she married Naomi’s son. I want you to notice I didn’t say she lived a life of ease. She suffered as we all do. It’s what we call life. 

It’s important to understand that we must take the good with the bad. When something bad happens, that does not necessarily mean we’ve done anything wrong or are being punished. It’s life.

The women in the community said of Ruth that she was worth more to Naomi than seven sons. These women spoke about what they saw. Listen, Ladies, your worth is not defined by other people’s ideas of who you are on this earth. Your worth is defined by a higher standard. Sometimes we make decisions based on what people say. I suggest that you should focus on who God says you are and the plans He has for you. Let their words be because you have done what you desired and what you’ve done (desired) is worthy of being spoken of.

Control the Narrative

You may wonder how you're going to change the direction of your life. I say it’s not totally up to you. The timing you cannot control, and what others do you cannot control. But your activity, you control.

You do the next best thing. The next best thing may not be what you originally expected, but that’s ok. Let it be whatever it is. We sometimes say “it it what it is!” Some see that as a negative connotation. I see it as acceptance that you are not totally in control of what happens and the results. What you are in control of is your thoughts on the matter. Because what you think about it dictates what you do about it. What you do, dictates where you end up. Like Ruth, blessed to be a blessing, or not.

You decide.

Who’s Your Person

Who’s in your life, giving you sound direction, or instructions or even encouragement to do what’s best. When we don’t know what to do, just stand faithful and obedient, taking one step at a time as God will take care of you. He will send His servant to be your person and to help guide you along the way.

Ruth did not wake up one day with the idea to move to a foreign land. That was her mother-in-law’s decision. It was Ruth’s decision whether to remain faithful to that charge or leave Naomi, like Orpha did. Ruth’s decision resulted in immeasurable blessings for both Naomi and Ruth.

Now What?

What about you? Are you blessed in ways you could not imagine because of your wise decisions? If so, congratulations, keep going.

If not, course correct. Make decisions that take you toward obedience, faithfulness, and loyalty like our Biblical counterpart, Ruth.

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